Studies have found that only 8% of us actually achieve our new year’s resolutions. And 25% of us don’t even make it past 30 days.
Many of us opt to make fitness new year’s resolutions. A new year is a chance to try and get more exercise or eat more healthily.
But as we have seen, the chances of seeing those promises through are not high at all. All too often our good intentions have fallen by the wayside by the time February arrives.
So read on as we look at 5 tips for keeping our fitness resolutions.
1. Choose Achievable Fitness New Year’s Resolutions
The reason so many of us suck at sticking to new year’s resolutions is that they’re just not achievable.
Deciding you’re going to run 12 miles every day just isn’t something that’s possible to fit around the rest of your life. You’re setting yourself up for failure before you’ve even begun.
Set yourself a goal that is realistic and you have a far better chance of actually sticking to it.
2. Risk and Reward
A clever way to keep you motivated is via risk and reward.
Make a bet with yourself that you’ll manage to stick to your resolution. If you don’t manage it, you have to pay a set amount of money to charity. But if you manage to go the distance, you get to spend that money on something you really want to get.
As a constant reminder, try making a customized credit card or keeping a note in your wallet. Then whenever you make a payment, you’ll have a reminder of what you could win or lose. You can find information on customizable credit cards on CardGuru.
3. Buddy Up
It’s all too easy to wake up on a rainy morning and decide that you really don’t want to do that run.
But if you’ve made a new year’s pact with a friend, then you’ll be far more motivated to get out of bed and join them. If you don’t, you’re not just letting yourself down; you’re letting someone else down too.
You should find that when one of you is losing the will to keep going, the other person will push you through it so that you both meet your goals.
4. Variety Is the Spice of Life
If your goal is to exercise more, then don’t just stick to the same thing day in, day out.
Change things up a bit to keep you on your toes. If you’re getting bored of those gym sessions, try running outdoors. If you’re losing motivation, try some team sports to appeal to your competitive side.
It also means you’ll be getting a varied program of exercise which is better for your whole body.
5. Chart Your Progress
Keeping tabs on how you’re doing can be a real motivator.
It might be something as simple as ticking off each day on a calendar and seeing that uninterrupted page of ticks. Or it might be using an app or the latest fitness gadget to keep tabs on how long your streak has been.
But you should find that if you track your progress, you’re more likely to keep it up.
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