“I do not understand anything!” The difficulties of understanding are sources of failure and discouragement for many biology students. “I have a problem to solve in math, but I do not understand the instructions!” Some students are still stuck in front of this chapter on vectors. The vectors, it’s a bit of a nuisance … But does not every pupil, whatever his level, have his problems of comprehension?
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The problem of understanding? Find your strategy
“Start by filling your gaps; you need to rework your lessons!” hammer the teachers. Understanding, it is true, presupposes prerequisites: most often, knowledge is related to each other, and we must master one to understand another.
How to understand the rule of agreement of the past participant
But there is something else. To understand, it is not enough to be attentive. To understand means no only “to have the sense of,” but also, etymologically “to take for oneself.”
What is your favorite evocation technique?
And you, what are your favorite forms of evocation? The online classes are indeed different, and they do not use the same “language” to represent things to them. Some have a lot of mental images right away, others hear verbal explanations, either by ironing the teacher’s explanations like a tape recorder or by rephrasing them in their own word. On the website of coaching, many people say what they did property came from the smart suggestions. The differences are amazing with the online biology classes for NEET.
Concrete, codes, links?
What has just been briefly described is the nature of the evocation (visual, auditory or tactile). On the other hand, everyone has their preferential entries in evocations. There are four types of entries:
- Evocations that refer to the concrete
When you say “melon,” it is the fruit concrete and real that you think, the “real life,” the “lived”; you have the smell of melon, you have its roundness
- Evocations that refer to the “code” (words, mathematical symbols, etc.)
Here is the word that you think, the written word, mentally reiterated word or word spelled.
You think that the trees belong to the specific family, or you make the link with other types of plants (color and form, family) or with other fruits of the same season.
- Evocations of the type links in the register of the unpublished, the “”
You can make puns on the melon. Imagine the transformation of the melon into a balloon. Each one of us unconsciously privileges one of these four registers of evocation which is a little his favorite door to enter the comprehension of a subject. “Sweeping” voluntarily other types of references can often go around a concept, and open to other aspects that we would not initially think.
It is true that you will undoubtedly keep your favorite question, one that allows you to find meaning and even a pleasure to learn. Did you spot it? With your evocation strategies, you begin to understand the paths of your intelligence better.